Gloucestershire Business videos

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SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Brunsdon Financial

A county firm synonymous with providing expert advice on employee benefits, meet Sebastian Merritt from Brunsdon Financial -...

10 questions challenge: Dominic Page from University of Gloucestershire Business School

Partnering with more than 100 local businesses, keeping talent in the county and three things he couldn't live without... meet the...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Gloucestershire County Council

As Mark Hawthorne, leader of Gloucestershire County Council explains in this #SGGBA 'Meet the category sponsor' video, we have a...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Bamboo

As one of the most forward thinking firms in the county, Bamboo is the perfect sponsor of the 'New Business' of the year category...

10 questions challenge: Richard Arthur from Hooray Recruitment

With change comes opportunity, and for Gloucestershire's ethical recruitment agency Hooray that's meant new strategic focuses, new...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Gloucestershire College

As a proud SGGLA category sponsor, Gloucestershire College's head of marketing Ali Townsend explains why it's important to applaud...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: GB Solutions

Meet SGGBA 'Employee of the year' category sponsor, GB Solutions, and find out from MD Mike Goode why the awards are a timely...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Hewer FM

Hewer FM's passionate home-grown MD, Simon Hewer, explains why he wanted to support the county and local firms as Heritage...

10 questions challenge: Mark Stewart from Stewart Golf

From Stroud to Gloucester to... the whole world, find out more about the fascinating success story of Stewart Golf as CEO Mark...

10 questions challenge: James Birt from Naylor Powell

Virtual viewings, remote working, the stamp duty holiday and property market predictions - we hear from Naylor Powell's managing...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Ecotricity

Home-grown, Gloucestershire-based company Ecotricity is the fitting sponsor of the 'Green Business of the year' category in the...

SGGBA 2021 – Meet the category sponsor: Evans Jones

Proud sponsor of the 'Pivoting Business of the year' category in the SoGlos Gloucestershire Business Awards 2021, leading planning...

10 questions challenge: Lucy Beresford from SLG Brands

Lucy Beresford has been with Gloucestershire-born, global-reaching SLG Brands for 16 years. Meet the passionate joint MD as she...

10 questions challenge: Pak Wai Hung from 288 Bar & Wok

Discover how Cheltenham-favourite restaurant and takeaway 288 Bar & Wok has adapted to the pandemic, as owner Pak Wai Hung takes...

10 questions challenge: Stephen Shortt from Hawkins & Brimble

Stephen Shortt discusses growth predictions for his luxury men’s grooming brand, Brexit, international supply chains and his love...

10 questions challenge: James Fyrne from SoGlos

From his ambitious 2021 business goal to finding positives from the Coronavirus crisis, SoGlos co-founder James Fyrne is the first...

10 questions challenge: Karen Taylor from Gloucestershire Airport

The brand-new MD of Gloucestershire Airport, Karen Taylor, talks Gateways for Growth, runway redevelopment and women in aviation...