Gloucestershire hospital offers new robotic therapy that's transforming prostate treatment

Those looking to have treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate, can receive a revolutionary new therapy being rolled out at Winfield Hospital in Gloucester.

By Kaleigh Pritchard  |  Published
Winfield Hospital's futuristic treatment offers precision and a quick recovery that rivals traditional surgical solutions to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate.

A game-changing new treatment method for an enlarged prostate —  called aquablation therapy — is being introduced to patients at Winfield Hospital in Gloucester.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), more commonly known as an enlarged prostate, means the prostate has become abnormally large — and though it is not prostate cancer, it may constrict the urethra, causing discomfort and difficulty when emptying the bladder.

Symptoms for BPH can include hesitancy during urination, interrupted or decreased urine stream — in terms of volume and flow rate — nocturia, incomplete voiding and urinary retention.

Treatment for an enlarged prostate usually requires surgery, but aquablation therapy offers an alternative to standard care for people with lower urinary tract symptoms caused by BPH.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) states that aquablation treatment is innovative in the way that the transurethral water jet ablation doesn't use heat to remove prostate tissue. The technology can also be used with prostates of any shape and size.

To begin the treatment, surgeons will identify important anatomy that maintains continence and sexual function, to create a personalised treatment plan.

Once the plan is created, a robotically-controlled, heat-free waterjet removes the prostate tissue — with the robotic technology ensuring the tissue is removed precisely, consistently and predictably.

The treatment itself takes less than an hour — sometimes as little as 40 minutes — and patients only need to stay in hospital overnight at most, with some able to go home after a few hours under observation.

Aquablation offers many benefits, including improved flow of urine, with clinical studies having proven that the therapy offers significant symptom relief and low rates of irreversible complications.

For anyone looking to explore aquablation as a treatment option, after seeing one of Winfield's expert consultants, patients will receive a formal quotation price that is valid for 60 days and includes unlimited aftercare — with finance options available to spread the cost.

For more information and to enquire with the team at Winfield Hospital, visit

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