Gloucestershire beer is on tap at the Houses of Parliament

In a bid to raise awareness of Organic September with key government decision-makers, Stroud Brewery's organic cask beer is currently on tap at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

By Chloe Gorman  |  Published
Stroud Brewery's Budding beer is on tap at the Houses of Parliament to raise awareness of Organic September.

Stroud Brewery is taking the case for going organic to Westminster, serving one of its signature beers at the Houses of Parliament this September 2024.

Its award-winning Budding pale ale is currently on tap in the Strangers' Bar at the Houses of Parliament — and is the first of its organic cask beers to ever be poured there. 

Stroud MP and long-term supporter of the brewery, Simon Opher, made an official request to bring the beer to Westminster for MPs, peers and staff to try during Organic September. 

Organic September is a month dedicated to promoting the organic movement in the UK and its benefits to the environment and health, encouraging people to make small lifestyle changes which add up to make a big cumulative impact. 

As one of the UK's first-ever fully organic breweries, Stroud Brewery has been flying the flag for the organic movement since 2006 and is a leading advocate for organic and sustainable brewing.

It hopes having its organic beer at Westminster will raise awareness of Organic September and encourage the government to better support the country's organic and sustainable farmers and producers, to help tackle climate change. 

Founder, Greg Pilley, said: 'We are thrilled to have Budding featured in such a prestigious setting, especially during Organic September.

'As a brewery committed to sustainability and organic principles, it's wonderful to see our beer representing these values in Parliament. We hope this will spark conversations around the importance of supporting organic and sustainable producers.'

Simon Opher added: 'I’m delighted that I can get a pint of Budding here in Parliament. It’s a little bit of home in what can be quite a challenging environment.

'It’s also great to be able to help spread the message about the importance of organic and sustainable food. We have to do everything we can to tackle the climate emergency, and having organic beer from Stroud Brewery available here helps to keep that at the forefront of all our minds.'

More on Stroud Brewery

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