On:Song launches free kids music and movement sessions during lockdown

HUM Kids, a weekly music and movement session, is being offered free of charge to help keep children energised and entertained during lockdown.

By Chloe Gorman  |  Published
Gloucestershire-based OnSong is offering HUM Kids sessions for free throughout the third national lockdown.
Gloucestershire-based On:Song is offering HUM Kids sessions for free throughout the third national lockdown.

After launching its HUM online singing and wellbeing sessions aimed at adults, Gloucestershire-based On:Song is launching HUM Kids – and it’s free during lockdown.

HUM Kids’ music and movement sessions take place online after school every Thursday at 4pm. Each session will be themed around a popular children’s story, with We’re Going On A Bear Hunt planned for the first session.

Led by professional performer and educator, Kevin Campbell Davidson, each session gives children the chance to sing, dance and let off some steam after a day of home schooling.

HUM Kids sessions are aimed at five to seven-year-olds, but are open to children of all ages – and parents, if they want to join in too.

Sessions are being offered for free during lockdown, with the option to make a voluntary donation, if families can afford to do so.

On:Song is also offering free singing and wellbeing sessions for adults throughout lockdown three.

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