Gloucestershire town named one of the best places in the UK for work/life balance and mental health

With generous salaries, short commutes, remote work culture and plenty of green space, Cheltenham ranks third in a new list of the best towns in the UK for work/life balance and mental health in 2024.

By Zoe Gater  |  Published
Cheltenham is the third best town in the UK for work/life balance and mental health in 2024.

Cheltenham is renowned for its festival culture and excellent schools, but it’s also living proof that Gloucestershire attracts more than just tourists and young families, being crowned the third best town in the UK for work/life balance and mental health.

In a recent study by Coworking Cafe, researchers evaluated the work/life balance and mental well-being landscape in the UK, ranking the largest cities based on residents’ self-reported mental health indicators, average work hours, remote work culture, green spaces, as well as income levels and their local purchasing power. 

The median salary in Cheltenham is £35,973, which supports a comfortable lifestyle for many of its residents; Cheltonians enjoy a balanced work-life schedule with an average work week of 37.8 hours — making it the third shortest in the country; while 36.7 per cent of Cheltenham’s workforce operates remotely, which contributes to greater flexibility and reduced commuting times.

The Regency town also achieved a high self-reported happiness score of 7.73 out of 10; and, on average, residents have 5.3 public green spaces within walking distance of their homes, promoting outdoor activities and a healthy lifestyle. 

Plus, with more than 70,000 jobs from cyber-tech through aerospace to engineering, it’s home to several high-profile headquarters, which has reduced unemployment to one of the lowest levels in the country.

But that's not the only standout achievement for Gloucestershire, with the report also noting that Gloucester ranks the lowest for anxiety levels in the nation, too!

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