Tewkesbury not-for-profit appoints new head to lead collaboration on sustainability

A not-for-profit based in Tewkesbury that administrates the UK government's wood fuel quality schemes has appointed a new head this July 2024, to lead on futureproofing the industry and drive better collaboration between stakeholders.

By Jake Chown  |  Published
The new head of Woodsure, Jason Harries, previously led the production of sustainable trade supplies for notable projects including the construction of the Shard and the 2012 London Olympics build.

Tewkesbury-based not-for-profit Woodsure, which works to promote sustainability in the wood fuel industry, has appointed a new head to lead its diversification this July 2024.

Jason Harries, who has a wealth of experience leading sustainability-focused trade supply businesses, will lead the organisation on driving greater collaboration between all parties for the more environmentally responsible usage of wood fuel.

Woodsure administrates the government's Ready to Burn scheme, which provides certification that wood fuels have undergone comprehensive checks against quality and sustainability standards; along with The Biomass Suppliers List, a list of wood fuels that meet eligibility requirements for the government's renewable heat incentive.

Prior to joining the organisation, Jason ran a business creating sustainable paints, alongside another manufacturing sustainable products for the construction industry, such as those made from waste left over from growing industrial hemp.

He has experience of working with government departments having been involved in a number of notable projects, including the construction of the Shard and the 2012 London Olympics build.

He also led a collaboration with planet-friendly retailer LUSH to provide natural paints to finish their stores.

Through Jason's appointment, the organisation aims to create new opportunities for collaboration with producers and suppliers to increase the sustainability of production, as well as continuing its efforts to increase consumers' understanding of how to use wood fuel in a cleaner, more sustainable way.

Jason commented: 'This next chapter for Woodsure will be about developing and diversifying the organisation, to build on its achievements to futureproof the quality of wood fuel in the UK, and to build stronger collaboration with other stakeholders for the benefit of this sector.

'Woodsure holds a key position in the wood and biomass fuel sector which helps to drive the standards of the industry’s sustainability efforts. This was a large part of what drew me to join the team.'

More on Woodsure

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