Residents and businesses invited to help shape Gloucester's climate response

People who live and work in Gloucester are being encouraged to contribute to a council strategy for responding to the effects of climate change on the city through public consultation this Autumn 2024.

By Jake Chown  |  Published
Gloucester City Council's new Climate Change Strategy sets out what the council, businesses and residents of the city should be focusing on in order to combat the effects of issues such as flooding and extreme heat.

Residents, businesses and community groups in Gloucester are being asked to help the city council develop a new strategy for dealing with climate issues such as flooding and extreme heat.

Gloucester City Council is running a public consultation on the new Gloucester Climate Change Strategy to gather views and information that will inform how the city takes action on reducing emissions and adapting to climate change, now and in the coming years.

With the city having experienced its effects first hand in recent years — from homes being evacuated due to flooding, to a huge increase in fire-related incidents during the heatwave of 2022 — the council's new strategy seeks to explain the scale of the challenge faced locally and sets out areas the wider district needs to focus on.

The city council itself has committed to a 2030 zero emissions target for its own operations and to carbon neutrality in Gloucester by 2045.

Councillor Sebastian Field, cabinet member for environment, said: 'Whether through extreme heat events; prolonged periods of drought; or flooding that threatens homes, people and livelihoods; the world’s leading scientists and increasingly accurate climate change modelling, it is clear that Gloucester will not be immune from the profound effects of global warming in the years ahead.

'That is why, through this public consultation on Gloucester’s new Climate Change Strategy, we’re taking the opportunity to clearly communicate the risks we face and the role that the council intends to play in addressing them.

'But we know we cannot solve these enormous challenges alone, which is why we’re reaching out to the people of Gloucester to learn more about their views on our approach and to provide an opportunity to review and comment on the strategy.'

The consultation is now open and runs until midnight on Friday 11 October 2024.

To find out more and to take part, search 'Gloucester Climate Change Strategy' on the Gloucester City Council website.

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