Help shape a new five-year vision for Gloucester city centre

Businesses, residents and organisations across Gloucester are being consulted as the city draws up a vision for the next five years.

By Andrew Merrell  |  Published
The Future Gloucester survey will lay out a development plan for the city for the next five years.
The Future Gloucester survey will lay out a development plan for the city for the next five years.

A vision for Gloucester city centre for the next five years is being drawn up and those charged with writing the potentially influential document are seeking the views of everyone that lives in, works in, and visits the city centre.

Residents, businesses, students, visitors and members of organisations invested in Gloucester are all being asked to contribute, and a survey has just been launched to gather opinions (see below). 

The city council, which is behind the Future Gloucester initiative, is working with The Growth Hub and the University of Gloucestershire to carry out the survey.

Over the past 12 months numerous local organisations have met as part of the Gloucester City Centre Commission, analysing and discussing the city centre with a view to producing a five-year strategy.

The commission’s work is now drawing to a conclusion and once tested and challenged by the public research carried out by the university's survey a final report will be produced it is hoped will be adopted by each of the commission’s members, helping to unify and shape strategy and policy.

David Oakhill, head of place at the city council, said: ‘We need to look to the future as well and to make sure Gloucester remains a successful place to live and work, and we need to know what direction people who use the city think we should be going in. We need to ask what is next?’

Influential city groups ranging from Gloucester BID to the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and the Federation of Small Business to the Gloucester Culture Trust are part of the commission.

Dr Polly Pick, director of business engagement at the university, said: ‘We exist to help make businesses of all sizes in Gloucestershire a success.

'Every company we work with is invested in the county, wants to see a successful Gloucester and understands the benefits of achieving this kind of strategy document.’

Oakhill added: ‘It is not just about what shops and businesses we want in the city centre, it is also about how we use our buildings better and our open spaces.

'Climate change and our carbon footprint are very much part of the agenda.

‘The city centre is changing rapidly, and we need to listen to what people want for their city. With everyone we have spoken to so far there is an appetite for positive change. We want to capitalise on the positivity.’

According to the city council, whether it is to do with climate change, what to do about traffic and parking, new types of business, or anything you feel strongly about, if you come into the city centre your opinion really counts and it wants to hear from you.

A short online survey has been created which take just five minutes to complete and will let you share your views and ideas to help shape the next five years.

To take part just click here and you will be taken directly to the survey.

If you are happy to leave your email address then you will be kept up to date on developments as they happen and see how your feedback is being used.

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