Gloucestershire-based qualifications advisor gains prestigious accreditation for responsible practice

One of the world's leading international qualifications and skills advisors, Cheltenham-based Ecctis, has achieved a sought-after national accreditation for prioritising people and the environment through its business practices.

By Jake Chown  |  Published
Ecctis corporate social responsibility manager, Lynne Watkins and department head Tim Buttress were 'delighted' to receive the company's Good Business Charter certification this August 2024.

Leading Cheltenham-based company Ecctis, which provides international education, training and skills services for clients around the world, has been recognised for responsible business practise this August 2024.

The company, which operates globally with a client base spanning 62 countries, has achieved accreditation from the Good Business Charter, a charity-led initiative recognising UK organisations that prioritise and value their employees, customers, suppliers and the environment, whilst also practising responsible tax behaviours.

The Good Business Foundation, which oversees the charter, describes accreditation as a way for organisations to show they care about their responsibilities, while enabling consumers to choose to spend their money ethically.

It is open to the private sector, public sector and charities of all sizes, with accredited organisations ranging from FTSE 100 companies and universities to SMEs and sole traders.

Ecctis evidenced that it is on the way to meeting all 10 components of the charter as part of its assessment, which included providing information around Real Living Wage; fairer hours and contracts; employee wellbeing; employee representation; equality; diversity and inclusion; paying fair tax; commitment to customers; ethical sourcing; and prompt payment to suppliers.

Catherine Winter, interim chief executive at Ecctis, said: ‘We’re incredibly proud to have received the Good Business Charter accreditation, which highlights our continued focus to be a best-in-class employer that provides a high-quality customer experience.

‘It’s a great opportunity for us to work with others to promote responsible business behaviour and show how much we value our customers, suppliers and the environment.’

Headquartered in Cheltenham with more than 200 members of staff, Ecctis supports individuals, organisations and governments around the world with comparisons of international qualifications against UK frameworks.

Its core services include providing comparison statements for individuals looking to work or study in the UK, operating two official services on behalf of the UK government — the UK National Information Centre (UK ENIC) for global qualifications and skills; and UK Visas and Nationality services on behalf of the Home Office.

It also supports academic institutions, businesses, recruitment agencies and government departments with expert advice, insights and development solutions for international education systems and qualifications.

In partnership with Ecctis

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