With its incredible Sixth Form Centre and a fantastic reputation as one of Gloucestershire's leading independent schools, it's easy to see why The King's School Gloucester is such a popular choice with Sixth Form students across the county and beyond.
As well as its impressive academic and co-curricular offerings, King's is proud of its nurturing community — and SoGlos spoke to its Deputy Head Girl and Boy to find out how they help to make the school such a unique and special place to study.
Tell us a bit about yourselves.
Rosie: My name is Rosie and I joined King’s just before I turned three-years-old, so I have been at King’s throughout my school life. I am currently taking geography, psychology and design and technology A Levels and I am going on to study primary education at university next year.
Willoughby: My name is Willoughby and I joined King’s at the start of Lower Sixth. I take biology, chemistry, physics and art A Levels. I have thoroughly enjoyed being captain of the boys' first hockey team and part of the first cricket team. I play double bass and bass guitar in the Concert Band and love taking part in the amazing school drama productions. I am also an ice hockey fan.
Describe a typical day at King’s.
Willoughby: Most days begin with assembly in Gloucester Cathedral which is a moment of calm as I usually have quite a busy day. I take part in one of the many co-curricular activities at lunch time such as the Debating Society, Medical Society and Concert Band. Sometimes I stay after school for prep, training, or rehearsals for school plays.

What does being Deputy Head Girl and Boy at The King’s School Gloucester involve? Do you have any special duties?
Rosie: Being Deputy Head Girl
at King’s involves taking on more responsibility, always being up for anything
new, encouraging others to get involved and setting a good example to the rest
of the school. I currently lead a committee for our Sixth Form Centre, looking
at ways to improve life for all members of our Sixth Form.
Willoughby: Part of the role is to be a visible
and approachable member of the student body so I can represent the students to senior
members of staff. I am privileged to be a student representative at our more
formal ceremonies, for example the Service of Remembrance in the cathedral, as
well as more informal events — and I enjoy meeting and welcoming visitors to the
On a practical level, I work with the prefect team to ensure a smooth and fair arrangement of the Sixth Form duties, from lunch queues to our buddy system.
What made you want to become a Head Girl and Boy?
Rosie: Throughout my time at King’s, I have always looked up to the Heads of School and have aspired to be like them one day. I wanted to take the opportunity to be that role model for others to look up to and inspire as they go up through the school.
What skills are you learning as part of your role?
Willoughby: As part of the pupil leadership team, we are encouraged to develop a range of skills but personally it has really helped my time management and communication with staff and pupils. I have also valued my peer mentor training and hope I have been helpful in a moment of need; empathy is so important.
Are there any extra opportunities available to you as Deputy Head Girl and Boy?
I have been fortunate to meet some amazing people such as teachers from the
Dornakal School in India, which King’s supports, as well as local community
I have also had the opportunity
to give some significant talks in the cathedral. The biggest event was when we
held our own service for the late Queen Elizabeth II, where I gave a speech
about how we can each individually relate to her young life in more ways than
we thought.

What is the Sixth Form community at King’s like?
Rosie: The Sixth Form community at King’s is very tight knit. The Lower and Upper Sixth are all based in the same building which enables us to get to know each other and allows us to share advice and make friendships across the year groups.
What is your favourite thing about being a Sixth Former at King’s?
Willoughby: The best thing about Sixth Form at King’s is that not
only do we have our own stunning part of the school in which to work and
socialise but also the enhanced level of freedom, independence and trust we
are granted.
It’s wonderful when younger
members of the school stop to chat or ask us something as they pass by. It’s
also always nice getting into lunch first!
Why should other students consider coming to King’s for Sixth Form?
Rosie: King’s Sixth Form is a special community, which I am so grateful to have been a part of. Due to the small class sizes you get to know your teachers really well and they are always so supportive and helpful.
Willoughby: I joined King’s in Year 12, at the start of Lower Sixth. The move was very easy and everyone was very welcoming. This was helped with a residential trip at the start of Lower Sixth.
The staff are friendly, supportive and recognise our growing maturity. There is a great variety of sports, music, drama and societies to become involved in. Sixth Formers can become active members of the local community through King’s charity and social work. There is a great range of trips on offer; I recently went to Costa Rica to support my Biology A Level.
I also think King’s is very good at preparing us for life after school. Staff organize a Future Skills Programme where we are taught some key life skills including cooking, first aid and DIY. I am so glad I joined King's, I have been incredibly happy here and have so many amazing experiences to look back on.

The King's School Gloucester still has places available in its Sixth Form for September 2023 entry. For information, or to book a personal tour, email admissions@thekingsschool.co.uk.