Interview with the Watching Out cast at Everyman Theatre

Hailed as a rip-roaring comedy, Watching Out offers innovative and downright hilarious entertainment, as well as being the first piece of theatre to be filmed at the Everyman; in SoGlos' interview, we find out just what to expect from the laugh-out-loud show…

SoGlos talks to the cast of the Everyman Theatre's production, Watching Out.
SoGlos talks to the cast of the Everyman Theatre's production, Watching Out.

Presented by the Everyman Theatre and set to tour the county, Watching Out encompasses three stories centred around the theme of voyeurism, with plenty of laughs along the way!

What’s more, in an exciting first for the Everyman, the play will be filmed and released as a stream for people to view it at any time.

In SoGlos’ interview, the cast reveals what audiences can expect from the show that promises belly laughs, witty writing and unmissable entertainment.

Dani Carbery

How does the action pan out during Watching Out?

There are three stories taking place over a period of time; we’re going from the turn of the 19th century right up to the present day. It’s all along the same theme, but each section is very different. They’re all comedies.

Tell us about the theme of voyeurism in the show?

The stories are all centred around the same theme, all about people watching in through windows, or looking out through windows. It looks at how the imagination runs wild with what you’re seeing or what people are looking in at…

It’s quite an intimate theatre; how is the audience drawn in?

We’re changing the configuration of the studio theatre so it’s a much more intimate space. The audience will feel like they’re in the room with us and being watched as well.

There’s also quite a lot of interaction where we speak to the audience, so they’re part of the action.

This is proper, rip-roaring, belly laugh, funny.

How would you describe Watching Out?

It’s an easy to watch comedy! It’s very easy to watch because it’s in three very distinct sections with different characters and created by different writers. It’s like separate plays, all along the same theme.

They’re very different styles interwoven, which is a new concept I’ve never done before. It’s really interesting.

The first section sounds a little risqué…

It is, but very family friendly risqué! It’s appropriate to the period, very bawdy, definitely fun, very fast-paced. It’s two people with lots of misunderstandings, flipping of status… it’s really fun!

How is Watching Out different to your previous performances at the Everyman?

This is definitely more comedic. This is proper, rip-roaring, belly laugh, funny.

And what makes the play so unique?

I think that it’s a theme with different writers carrying it through. It melds together very well, each different style. Also, playing different characters within different times.

With my first character I’m a passionate Latin woman who’s big and flamboyant and artistic. In the last one, I’m a very shy, meek publisher who thinks that nobody likes her.

How did you get involved in the production?

Because I’ve worked with Paul before, I’m fortunate enough that he asked me! When you get a call like that, you think, ‘I hope I like it.’ And I read it and thought ‘that’s going to be fun’!

Mark Carey

How are rehearsals going so far?

They’re going very well! I’ve done a lot of reading and background work, and we’ve just started proper rehearsals.

Watching Out sounds very unique…

It is because it’s three different plays by three separate playwrights, but it works as a show because there are strong similarities in the theme. And it’s basically set in one flat.

It’s about people looking out of their flat at other people, and being aware of other people, watching what they do.

And the audience feels as if they’re being watched?

Yes! In fact, in the first two plays, the actors talk to the audience, so it’s as if they’re a character in the play.

What first appealed to you about the play?

Anybody coming to see it will have a fun night in the theatre.

I’ve worked with Paul before and he asked me if I was available. With a small cast, you’ve got lots to do which is great.

Switching roles is one of the most enjoyable things about acting, as well as having lots to do! I remember someone saying to me once ‘you don’t become an actor to spent your time in the dressing room’, which is absolutely right! You want to be on stage as much as you can.

It’s great fun to play more than one person because on the same evening you can do two different sides of your personality and show off… so it’s great!

How would you describe the play?

First and foremost, it’s a comedy! Anybody coming to see it will have a fun night in the theatre, in that respect. I also think, when I go to the theatre, I enjoy seeing actors playing different parts; there’s something entertaining about that.

And Watching Out is being filmed…

Yes! A first for the Everyman… we’ll be guinea pigs! It’ll be fun… nerve wracking though!

Simon Stanhope

Can you tell us about your monologue in Watching Out?

It’s a funny piece! I’ve already started learning it and so far, it’s going in pretty well, which I always think is a sign of good writing! That bodes well…

How do you address the audience?

I don’t want to give too much away! Part of it is directed at somebody who’s not physically present, and part is to the audience.

And how do you explore the theme of being watched…

It was interested hearing the pieces being read yesterday for the first time. Even hearing the voices made me realise how my character in the third section is similar to Mark’s character in the first section.

There’s a whole sense of not living your true life, not being true to yourself and putting on an act… as well as being watched and watching other people.

It’s pioneering and a first for the Everyman.

How do you move through different time periods?

The costumes and stories are very different, and in the style of the time. There’s something interesting about that level of familiarity and linking throughout, but in a different style.

But the overriding theme is comedy?

Yes, they’re very funny! But I think thought-provoking too, as well as entertaining!

What did you like about the role, and how did you get involved?

I was here for panto and that was huge fun so I’m delighted to be back!

This show is very different – certainly to panto! I enjoy playing comedy generally, I love this sort of thing.

Are you excited about being videoed?

Yes, that’s something I’ve not done before! It’s obviously the way of the future. And it fits in well with the theme of being watched.

It’s pioneering and a first for the Everyman. It’s exciting and works well with the theme of the piece. We’ll be there, performing on stage, but somewhere out there, there could be hundreds of people watching us! It’s an interesting thought.

It’s not something that, in the theatre, you often think about…

Watching Out runs at the Everyman Theatre from Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 April 2018. For more information see Watching Out at Everyman Theatre, call (01242) 572573, or visit directly.

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