Take part in an online introduction to fostering in Gloucestershire

If you’re curious to find out if fostering would suit you, learn everything you need to know with Gloucestershire County Council at this online event in October 2024.

By Zoe Gater  |  Published
See if fostering could be for you by attending this presentation plus Q&A with members of the fostering team at Gloucestershire County Council and an experienced foster carer.

Take your first step to fostering a child in Gloucestershire by attending an informal, no-obligation information event online, this autumn.

There are currently over 870 local children of all ages in urgent need of Gloucestershire-based foster carers, who can provide essential stability to youngsters by allowing them to stay at their schools, as well as in the same area as friends and family members.

Comprised of a presentation and a Q&A session, the events run by Gloucestershire County Council give potential foster carers the chance to hear from both an experienced foster carer and a social worker — with the next online live stream scheduled to take place on Monday 14 October 2024. 

While participants are under no obligation to take the next steps until they are ready to, this session is a perfect opportunity to find out a little more about fostering with your local council.

As far as eligibility, fostering is open to those over 21 years of age, whether single or in a relationship; in employment — or not; homeowner or otherwise.

Visit gloucestershire.gov.uk/fostering to join the session directly, or email fostering@gloucestershire.gov.uk for more information.


Gloucestershire County Council online fostering information session


Online via Microsoft Teams


Monday 7 October 2024


From 7pm to 8.30pm


Free of charge


(01242) 532654

In partnership with Gloucestershire County Council Fostering  |  gloucestershire.gov.uk

More on Gloucestershire County Council Fostering

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