Learn all the common tax mistakes business owners make – and how to avoid them — at an event with The Growth Hub

With the new tax year kicking in this month, it's time to get on top of tax planning and get your finance department in order for the fresh fiscal year. The Growth Hub Gloucestershire shows us how, this April 2025.

By Sarah Kent  |  Published
Start the new tax year right, armed with all the correct financial information you need for a successful fiscal period.

The events calendar at The Growth Hub never fails to deliver, with a tax event happening just in time for the start of the new fiscal year, this April 2025.

Covering all the common tax mistakes that businesses owners make and revealing top tips on how to avoid them, The Growth Hub in Cheltenham is sharing valuable insights on staying compliant and maximising earnings.

On Monday 7 April from 10am to 12.45pm at Hub8, accountancy expert Anita Rasheva will spill the tea on how to identify common tax traps and often-overlooked deductions and credits, and delve into the impact of poor tax planning on your business.

There will also be the chance to ask a tax professional questions; go over the importance of pension contributions; and much more.

Perfect for business owners and finance managers, tickets are free of charge and should be booked online via The Growth Hub website.


Tax mistakes business owners make — and how to avoid them



Monday 7 April 2025


From 10am to 12.45pm


Free to attend but places must be booked in advance

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