The King's School Gloucester: A day in the life of two Junior School students

From playing rugby to taking piano lessons and singing at the cathedral, it’s easy to see why the King’s School Gloucester’s Junior School is so popular.

By Chloe Gorman  |  Published
SoGlos spoke to two Junior School students at The Kings School Gloucester to discover what life is like at the prestigious school.
SoGlos spoke to two Junior School students at The King’s School Gloucester to discover what life is like at the prestigious school.

With fantastic sports facilities, an impressive co-curricular offering which includes the chance to sing at Gloucester Cathedral, not to mention excellent academic results, the King’s School Gloucester is a popular choice for students and parents in the county.

SoGlos spoke to two pupils at the award-winning, independent day school to find out what life is like inside its popular Junior School.

About the students – Katie and Jamie from the King’s School Gloucester

Katie and Jamie are both aged 10 and in Year 5 at the King’s Junior School in Gloucester. Katie has been at King’s since she was seven and Jamie since he was three-years-old.

The King’s School Gloucester is one of the county’s most well-respected independent schools and was named #SGGLA Independent School of the Year in 2020 and 2021. The school enjoys a special relationship with Gloucester Cathedral and offers outstanding pastoral care, as well as excellent academic results and a range of co-curricular activities from sports to music. Its next Whole School Open Morning takes place on Saturday 14 May 2022.

How does a typical school day start?

Jamie: A typical day starts at 8.35am and finishes at 3.30pm. Every Wednesday, we have a whole school assembly in Gloucester Cathedral.

A little while ago, I stood up at the front and gave a reading, which was quite scary, but I felt very proud afterwards. I also enjoy Friday’s commendations assembly, because we celebrate lots of exciting achievements, such as house events and sports matches, although the clapping can get a little tiring!

What are your favourite lessons?

Katie: My favourite lessons are maths and games. I love maths because I really enjoy sequences and working things out. Netball and hockey are my best sports.

Jamie: My favourite lessons are maths and games too! On Fridays, we are given the challenge of trying to finish 99 multiplication questions within 10 minutes. I am currently at the top of the leader board. My favourite sport is rugby, and we have won lots of matches this term.

Which co-curricular activities and clubs do you take part in?

Jamie: My favourite is the language club and I am learning German, which is difficult – I’ve never been to Germany, but I think it would help.

Katie: I enjoy the debating club, netball club and prep club. Debating club is really fun, as we listen to a debate and then Mrs Haas chooses whether she is for or against the argument.

In one of our debates, we researched a ship that is on the seabed in Antarctica and debated whether or not it should be lifted out of the sea or left where it is! In prep club, we do our homework after school, so we can relax with our family when we go home.

The King’s School Gloucester offers an enrichment programme called the Keystones Challenge – what is that?

Katie: The Keystones Challenge is 10 academic, pastoral and co-curricular challenges that we have to do over a year. So far, I have done five Keystones challenges.

My favourite was the ‘sports star’ challenge. I play for Gloucester hockey club and netball club, which earned me one Keystone. I have also done the ‘chef’ and ‘critical thinker’ challenges which were really fun, as I made my own pizza and wrote my own debate.

Jamie: I have also done five Keystones challenges! I produced a graph comparing the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum. I also did the ‘super citizen’ challenge, for this I picked up litter around the park.

How often do you go to Gloucester Cathedral as part of your school week – and why?

Jamie: As well as visiting the cathedral for assembly every Wednesday, we go there for school events like Speech Day, Harvest Festival and the Carol Service. As a member of the school choir, I recently sang with the cathedral choristers at Evensong, too.

What is your favourite thing about going to school at King’s?

Jamie: Sport! We get lots of opportunities to play sport and we have specialist teachers to help us develop our skills.

Katie: Sport and music! I’m in the school choir and have piano lessons – it’s really exciting when we get to sing in the cathedral.

The Easter holidays have just finished, so what are you most looking forward to this term?

Jamie: We are both really looking forward to the residential trip to Croft Farm, where for three days we will be doing lots of exciting activities, like rock climbing and kayaking on the lake. We were unable to go on a trip last year because of Covid, so are very excited for this one.

In the summer, we have our play, which this year is called Star Warts. We’ve just started rehearsing and it’s fun, as the play has lots of singing, dancing and acting. We will also have sports day – I’m looking forward to the relay race and long jump.

Katie and I are both in Potter House and we’ve won lots of House competitions this year.

I am very excited to be a Year 6 too, as I will then be at the top of the Junior School and possibly a House Captain.

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